Country profile | The Netherlands
The Netherlands is a small country.
The capital is Amsterdam.
Big cities: Rotterdam, Eindhoven
Language: Holland, England
The Netherlands is famous for the Keukenhof Garden, Dome Tower (Dóm torony)
Buurkerk Museum, Kastel de Haar, Kinderdijk Molenladen - a group of mills (malomrendszer, világörögségi helyszín)
Famous people: Rembrandt, Vincent Van Gogh, Mata Hari
Food: Frikandel (hús golyó), Ollibollen (olaj gömbök), Appeltaant (amlás pite)
Kapsalon (Ez nagyon finom! :)
Events&festivals: Queens birthday 30 April. /Queens day Koningendag/
King's day: 27 April., Keukenhof Garden: 24 March - 20 May ., Canal Parade (Csatorna paradé)
7 Augustus.
Festivals: Awakenings, Kingsland, Loveland ❤